
If you do not know, then you can never learn - Rabindranath Tagore Do not consider any person wrong in life, trust him, because even a closed watch shows 2 times a day, for no work. If you leave it, leave it to work, otherwise it will be time to repent.

Monday, September 24, 2012

crc 26/9/2012

crc૮.૦૦થી૧૦.૦૦સર્ટી૧૦થી૧૨ ઓરલ ૨.૩૦થી સ્થળ પસંદગી                                       
date      26/92012  તાલુકોઃ તળાજા
સીટનંબર  નામ                          મેળવેલ ગુણ

1005 Ajitsinh Mavsangbhai Mori    --  ------------- 77
1026 Arvindkumar Kuberbhai Jalela ---------------65
1038 Ashutoshbhai Jasvantrai Upadhyay--------- 50
1068 Bhaturbhai Khodabhai Thanth ---------------83
1077 Bhupatbhai Bhimabhai Rathod --------------57
1105 Deveshkumar Shantilal Dhandhala ---------67
1131 Fatesinh Mahipatsinh Jadeja -----------------75
1165 Hasmukh Bhaishankarbhai Dhandhaliya --69
1186 Hiteshkumar Devshankarbhai Pandya -----79
1243 Kishorbhai Jivrajbhai Katakiya ---------------68
1248 Krupalkumar Amrutlal Dhandhala ---------76
1269 Mahendrasinh Jasubha Gohil--------------- 67
1343 Pankajkumar Shantilal Dhandhala --------63
1362 Pragjibhai Bhagvanbhai Dhandhala ------70
1436 Rohitkumar Bhurabhai Vala ----------------64
1512 Virendrakumar Kantilal Pandya -----------67
સ્થળ;સર્વશિક્ષા અભિયાન કચેરી, ક્રેસન્ટ સર્કલ ભાવનગર

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